23-25 Ashley Street, Glasgow, G3 6DR

Fundraise for Us

Little Effort, Huge Effects!

Flourish House is a community project in Glasgow which supports people with long-term mental health issues. Our approach emphasizes personal involvement in the day-to-day running of the project, whether cooking in the kitchen, facilitating classes for other members or making sure the reception desk works. People get better through gaining skills all the time, laughing and socializing.

Support from businesses in our community are instrumental to our work, and we are always thrilled to work with you to help us do more. Sometimes people have particular ideas of what they’d like to do to help, other times they just know they want to help. In either case, we’ll help you organize whatever you would like, from collection tins in your business to fundraising evenings or campaigns.

Sometimes people would like to name us as their charity for a particular length of time. If you think this would be a good fit we can help out with a fundraising pack delivered to your business including;

  • Posters
  • Collection tins
  • Ideas for fundraising in your own business
  • Talks from members and staff to give a better idea of our work, either to give your colleagues or customers
  • Materials to explain what Flourish does and how it works

Supporting Flourish House isn’t charity, it’s investment – in people, their prospects and their lives. Our work supports people living with long-term mental illness to build lives that are fulfilling and meaningful to them, and we see amazing successes all the time. While mental ill health can be scary, our service is a friendly, welcoming one full of people working actively to improve their lives. If you would like to fundraise for us, please call us on 0141 333 0099 or alternatively email us at