Doors Open Day 2023

We had another successful Doors Open Day this year, an event where we open Flourish House to the public for one day only as part of Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival. Members and staff worked together to tidy and set up the building on the Friday, then it was all go on Saturday! We served soup, cake and hot drinks in the cafe and had live music at the door as a member played her accordion. There were lots of videos, information and photos on display to tell people what we do, as well as some history about the building. 42 members of the public attended, and 30 members of Flourish House. It was a great opportunity for staff and members to show their friends and family around, and to showcase who we are to members of the public.

“It was a friendly atmosphere & it was good to see all the staff in with all their families, everybody seemed very nice, they had plenty of info on Flourish House, and they had a nice stall set up selling badges & pamphlets, it was busy at certain times & then it was quiet, the coffee & cakes in the cafe were all lovely, I wanted the Victoria sponge but it went fast.”

“My dad & I both got a badge & he watched the video and was very interested in the engineering side of the architecture of the building because he used to be an engineer. I thought R (a member) was very well dressed & Kelly was showing people around & I liked Kelly’s shoes.”

“I came over at lunchtime & reception needed tending so I sat for a while greeting visitors, M (a member) took over & I then went to help out in the cafe serving cake & drinks, it was nice to chat with Stacey & some of her family & I said hello to Wesley’s Wife & showed Neils Dad around in the garden, we both agreed that more could be done with that space for members, I then went upstairs and directed a few people around our showcase, 3 people tried the sensory jars while I was there & I explained the reason behind the mind maps, I was tired out after that so I went home.