Work-Ordered Day Reflections

Over the last few months, we have been reflecting on the Work-Ordered Day, one of the pillars of the clubhouse model. Through the process of a series of discussions at our Café Conversations group, and the planning and filming of our new Work-Ordered Day (WOD) video, we got to consider what the WOD means to us, and we worked on conveying what it is in a simple way to people who are unfamiliar with it.

At Café Conversations, we had 3 different discussions relating to the WOD. We discussed broadly what it is and why we do it, then we planned what we wanted to get across in the video, then finally, after making the video, we gathered our thoughts into one short paragraph. 26 different members attended these discussions and contributed their thoughts, and we have ended up with a video that we are really proud of, and the short paragraph below, that we feel summarises the Work-Ordered Day in an effective way. The video was also made by members, in partnership with Media Education, with 6 members contributing behind the scenes, conducting interviews and filming, and many more playing a part on screen!

The “Work-Ordered Day” is the structured routine tasks available daily that help us use and gain abilities in a supportive environment.

Members provide meaningful contributions in partnership with staff through work that is productive & necessary for running the clubhouse. Members can choose how, or if they get involved, but encouraged to participate with the support of the community in Flourish. Everyone has something to offer.

The Work-Ordered Day balances structure & flexibility, responsibility & freedom and commitment & choice. These contrasting values create a nuanced environment where personal development and positive risk-taking can flourish.