Branching Out 2023

Branching Out is an exciting outdoor project, run by Operation Play Outdoors, where members complete a series of sessions providing skills in fire making, orienteering, weaving, and much more! Here’s the feedback a member gave us part way through:

“I went to Branching Out for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I was uncomfortable but over time I got more and more comfortable and started to love it more and more. At first I was unsure about it but I got better and better and got used to it. I did a lot of things like wrapping a string round a plant pot. On that day Stacey went with us and the next couple of Wednesdays we had Kim, Sophie B and Morag. Kim went the week we did willow weaving to make a tray and another day Sophie B came with us and we made bracelets out of rope. When Morag came with us we did archery and I had a great time. I even got a bullseye! I can’t wait to see what we are doing this Wednesday. 2 or 3 weeks later it will be the last Branching Out and I am excited to discover what we are doing as the last day is a surprise!”

After the end of Branching Out, we chatted about how the final session went:

“On the last day of branching out we did archery and we did some planting some willow trees at Aberfoyle. It was good.”

Do you have any particular skills you are excited to take away from Branching Out?

“I was quite good at archery. I can now build fires for the Kelly Kettle and I do this at the allotment. I was quite good at making the bracelets, I carry it with me in my bag.”